Have you ever wondered what to look for when checking your teenagers’ rooms? Pleasantville STRONG Coalition held its second ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ event at Pleasantville High School’s Back to School Night September 27th. The event focused on teaching parents how easily teens can get ahold of contraband, as well as how to notice the items hidden in plain sight.

Hidden in Plain Sight makeshift room in the Pleasantville High School cafeteria on Back to School Night, September 27, 2018.
The event featured a makeshift room set up in the cafeteria. Parents took a clipboard, walked through the room, and wrote down the name of anything they found to look suspicious. Once the parents were done they went to a board that showed just how much contraband was in the makeshift room.

Hidden in Plain Sight answer board parents visited after taking a quiz on the makeshift bedroom
Nicole Malgarinos is a coordinator for the coalition, and gave a tour of the room. She pointed out the contraband themed stickers, posters, and other basic items that can be purchased by someone of any age at stores in the mall. Referring to a container meant to hide alcohol, she said, “I bought this on Amazon without even being asked if I was at least 18 years old.”
Debbie Fischer, a parent with two teenage sons, attended the event with the hopes of learning how to better search for contraband in her sons’ rooms. “I did the quiz last year, I didn’t do too well. I thought it was really helpful,” she said.
The Pleasantville STRONG Coalition is in its fourth year of a five-year federally funded grant. In addition to hosting events to raise awareness, the organization also provides confidential support services through a staff member, Mary Ann Flatley, who works at the high school three days a week.