Articles by Sean Browne

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Who’s the highest-paid police chief in the area?

The salaries of Pleasantville government employees are public information. So how does Pleasantville compare to other nearby municipalities in terms of how much employees earn? Pleasantville’s Police Chief, Erik Grutzner, made $158,575 in 2017. Pleasantville…

Taxes a Key Issue in County Executive Race

As the race for Westchester County Executive nears an end, Democratic challenger George Latimer and incumbent Rob Astorino have been talking about one issue more than others to the people of Pleasantville, and that is…

Ban proposed on plastic bags

The organization Pleasantville Recycles wants businesses to stop using plastic bags. The proposed “Bring Your Own Bag” initiative would replace plastic bags with paper or bags that customers bring with them from home. Pleasantville Recycles…

Expect More Police Patrolling For Pace Students

The Pleasantville Police Department is cracking down on the misbehavior of Pace students. In years past, Pace students have upset residents while walking home from the bars in the downtown area such as Paulie’s. Pleasantville…

Hope’s Door Moves Its Doors

In March, CarlLa Horton was dreading the day that Hope’s Door had to relocate from Pleasantville. Fast forward six months later, and Horton couldn’t have been more pleased with the relocation process. “The move has…

The Outsider on Village Board

Joseph Stargiotti has served on the Pleasantville Board of Trustees since 2006. But Stargiotti isn’t a typical politician. As a matter of fact, Stargiotti considers himself to be anything but a politician. “Truthfully, the things…

Pleasantville Village Administrator Reflects on Career

In 2018, Pleasantville Village Administrator Patricia Dwyer will retire from her position. And after nearly three decades of service, Dwyer can’t think of a better job to have had. “I’m going to miss everything, because…