Village Pool opened to Pace students and employees

The Pleasantville Village Pool, as seen from Lake Street. Pace University students can now use the pool at the guest rate. (Pleasantville Press/ Google Maps)

Summer’s over, but Pace University students and employees now have a new privilege: use of Pleasantville’s outdoor pool. The Village Board agreed in July to allow members of the Pace community to pay $10 for a daily pass, if they show university IDs. That is the same rate that residents pay.

On-campus residents of Pace technically do not live in Pleasantville. The campus is less than 0.2 miles from the village’s nearest border.

Pace has an indoor pool at Goldstein Fitness Center. However, Pleasantville Village Administrator Patricia Dwyer said the pool is “heavily programmed,” meaning that its schedule is packed with activities, such as for athletic teams.

Bill Colona, Pace’s Director of Government and Community Relations, made the request on behalf of students and employees. In an email, he wrote, “A professional staff member from within Student Affairs reached out to me to see whether the University had any ‘connections’ with the local pools because he wanted to incorporate a ‘pool day’ as part of summer training with students. I reached out to the Village and they said they would discuss our ability to use the pool without filling out the registration form and paying the yearly fee.”

The Pleasantville Village pool is located on Lake Street opposite Leland Avenue. Pool season runs from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

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