Laurie Rogers-Smalley looks ahead to another term on Mt. Pleasant Town Council

Laurie Rogers-Smalley has various ideas for what she would like to do on the Mt. Pleasant Town Council.

The incumbent councilwoman is running unopposed. She said all of her ideas are related to three areas: fiscal responsibility, intelligent development, and quality of life.

“We must make a concerted effort to approve a budget that allows for positive improvements to the infrastructure of Mt. Pleasant,” she said.

“We are at a time when roads, water systems, sewer systems, parks, fields, and buildings are in need of updating, renovation, and/or repair. Our town has become a ‘hot spot’ for developers. The location with proximity to parkways, mass transit, and a relatively fast commute into NYC make it a desirable community for both residential and commercial development.”

She emphasized the impact large projects played into this development.

“Regeneration Pharmaceuticals, the North 60 project at the Westchester Medical Center campus, Baker homes, Pace University, and EF academy must be monitored to meet all planning and zoning standards. A Master Plan for overall review of future development of each of the town’s hamlets as well as the Hawthorne-Thornwood corridor must begin as soon as possible.“

Rogers-Smalley also mentioned specific ideas on how to improve the quality of life.

“Maintaining a fully staffed and trained police force is essential. Improving access to programs offered by Office of Elder Americans for our must vulnerable residents is also necessary,” she said.

When questioned on how the process of the election race was coming along, Rogers-Smalley answered with some backstory,

“I was involved in a four-way Republican party primary that took place on September 12. I worked extremely hard,” she said. “I will be on the ballot on November 7 on the Republican, Conservative, Reform, and Independent lines. There are no Democratic candidates. I have continued to campaign by being present and engaged with the residents of Mt. Pleasant.”

Thomas A. Sialiano is the other Republican candidate on the ballot for Mt. Pleasant Town Council. He is also unopposed.



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