The race for Westchester County Clerk is on

“Vote here, vote aqui” by Erik (HASH) Hersman is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Jim Chisholm of Somers and Tim Idoni of New Rochelle are going head-to-head in this year’s election for Westchester County Clerk.

Some of the duties of the County Clerk are to manage and safeguard county records, issue permits, and keep record of births, deaths and marriages. The salary is $153,105 and officials are elected for a four-year term.

Tim Idoni is the incumbent. He has served as clerk for the past 12 years. Prior to that, Idoni was mayor of New Rochelle for 14 years. He is running on a Democratic platform that supports working families, as well as women’s equality. Idoni has said this is his last run for County Clerk.

The incumbent’s opponent, Jim Chisholm, is Republican. He is currently the President and CEO of United Processing Corporation, the chairman for the Westchester’s Parks, Recreation and Conservation, and has been the chairman for the Somers GOP for the last nine years.

The League of Women Voters encourages citizens to go out and vote, because the local election makes just as much as a difference as the presidential election.

“Local elections are important, because local officials manage a lot of different things that affect your life, as well as the lives of others in your area,” said a spokesperson for The League of Women Voters.

Elections will take place on November 7th. Click here to find your polling place.


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