Pace Law School to host Land Use and Sustainable development conference

The Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University is hosting the 16th annual Alfred B. Delbello Land Use and Sustainable Development Conference this week.

Since 1993, the law school has included the Land Use Law Center, which promotes innovative land use strategies, as well as collaborative decision-making techniques.

The conference brings law professionals, business professionals and local leaders together in order to learn how to improve national, regional and local innovations, as well as best practices to keep them running.

This year’s conference theme is “Reimagining the Role of Local Governments,” focusing on the ways in which local governments find ways to plan, regulate and design communities.

The event will be held on December 7th, starting at 9 a.m. and will feature two keynote speakers. The morning keynote speaker is Geoff Anderson, the President and CEO of Smart Growth America. Anderson was also named as one of the Top 100 most influential leaders in sustainable community planning and development. The luncheon keynote speaker is Barry Svigals, an architect based in Connecticut whose approach brings architecture to life as it is connected to the purpose, place and individuals for whom it was created for.

Last year’s conference theme was Economics and Equity of Sustainable Development. More than 250 people attended last year’s workshops, seminars and panel discussions that focused primarily on the three aspects of sustainable development: the economy, the environment and equity.

The conferences allow current Pace Law students to gain experience and practice before their futures as attorneys in public, private and non-governmental sectors.

For more information, click here.

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