Volunteer Fire Department’s Open House Fun for All Ages

A member of Pleasantville's Volunteer Fire Department breaks a windshield as part of the car crushing demonstration at the Fire Department's biennial open house on Sunday, October 14th. This demonstration was one of the more popular events at the open house.

Dozens of families came out to the Pleasantville Volunteer Fire Department Oct. 14 for its biennial open house.

The fire department was founded in 1894, but the open house event is relatively new. “[The department] first started this event about 15 years ago, and since then, we’ve hosted it every other year,” said Fire Department chief/chairman Asterio Scopino.

Visitors could tour the inside of a fire truck, take photos on the ladder, go inside a “smoke room” (provided by the Fairview Fire Department in Greenburgh), and even watch trained firemen rip the doors and windshield off a car. There was also a miniature fire display at the entrance to the station. Visitors could also get free hot dogs, hamburgers, snacks, and soft drinks, all paid for by the fire department.

“We don’t really change the festivities here through the years,” said Assistant Chief Madison Martineau. “The car crushing demonstration is one of the most popular events for guests, and the kids also like to spray the hoses.”

Martineau said the open house brings in a decent turnout every time.

“We usually get around 100 to 150 people,” said Martineau. “In fact, there was one year where over 300 people showed up. The busiest times of the day are from around 11 a.m. to when the open house closes at 2.”

At around noon, the department received a notice of a potential fire emergency, and most of the firemen left the open house to address it. Nevertheless, the festivities continued on, and 15 minutes later, all the firemen returned.

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