Democrat wins Mount Pleasant Town Board seat

Hagadus surrounded by friends, family, and supporters after hearing the news that she won.

Francesca Hagadus has become the first Democrat in over 30 years to win a seat on the Mount Pleasant Town Board. She will take the seat Jan. 3.

Surrounded by her family and supporters on Election Night, Hagadus said she realized her months of hard work and campaigning had paid off. (Video of her victory speech is on her Facebook page.) Hagadus’ next steps include a guided tour of City Hall, meeting the people she will work with, and being sworn in. Since Hagadus will need to run again for the position next year, the 2019 campaign will also begin soon.

Hagadus will be running again next year for the 4-year term.

Hagadus said she has many plans for when she is sworn in. One includes improving the town’s presence online. “The website is not user friendly,” she said. “We need more updates on Facebook too. Not just good news. All news.” She said the current website does not include the whole town.

She said a better online presence can make Mount Pleasant government more transparent, which can help build trust. “The more we communicate, the more we can trust,” she said.