New Mount Pleasant Town Board Member Looks Ahead

The newest member of the Mount Pleasant Town Board said she believes local politics should focus on “the best interest of the town” over party affiliations. When Pleasantville resident Francesca Hagadus-McHale takes office in January, she will be the only Democratic member of the Town Board.

Hagadus-McHale said residents have a variety of political viewpoints and “deserve a seat at the table just like everybody else.” She also said the town’s three hamlets, Valhalla, Hawthorne, and Thornwood, were well represented on the board and she believed her presence will add “a fresh viewpoint and a sense of transparency to the rest of the town.”

Hagadus-McHale said she also wants to make sure that proposed construction projects are focused on “not necessarily what brings income into the town, but what benefits the town.”

Hagadus-McHale confirmed she plans on running again next November for a full term on the Town Board.

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