Recent Crashes on Manville Road Raise Safety Concerns

The pedestrian signal indicating that is safe to cross the street. Some residents are concerned about speeding and traffic in the village. (Pleasantville Press/Jade Perez)

A 73-year-old woman was struck by an SUV as she crossed an intersection Sept. 20, according to Pleasantville police. The collision occurred around 8:20 a.m. at the intersection of Manville Road and Grant Street. 

According to the police report, the woman was transported to Westchester Medical Center with a head laceration. The driver declined medical attention and was issued a summons. 

Pleasantville resident Edwin Kuo said he witnessed an accident involving a bicyclist the night before.

“I came off the train between 7:30-8 p.m. and there was a silver Honda Civic and police car at the corner of Manville [Road] and Wheeler [Avenue]. When I walked by, I saw the police officer crouched down and speaking to a woman on the ground. The bike was still on top of the rider and she was mumbling and clearly disoriented,” Kuo said.

Kuo said speed and traffic are two major areas of concern in Pleasantville. On the other hand, he said it is everyone’s responsibility to make and promote the right choices on the shared roadways.

“We need to walk, ride and drive with more vigilance. Safety measures need to be taken and the local government and police need to be present in the discussion, as well,” Kuo said. 

Police Chief Erik Grutzner said he assigns officers to different locations “off and on for a couple of weeks” to practice traffic enforcement and make the officers more visible, in hopes of increasing safety.

He also noted that officers are regularly on patrol and respond whenever residents call to make complaints about speeding on their streets.

“[In the end] we want the residents to feel safe and know that we are taking this seriously,” Grutzner said. 

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