Get to know Pleasantville: Village Board Trustee David Vinjamuri

Twice a month, the Village Board of Trustees meets to discuss and make decisions that affect Pleasantville’s approximately 7,000 residents. David Vinjamuri has served as a trustee since 2018.

Who is Vinjamuri?

Vinjamuri is a father of three. He has an undergraduate degree in political science and a master’s degree in foreign affairs. Vinjamuri teaches marketing and public relations at New York University, runs corporate and government training workshops and writes for Forbes.

He has also published three books, and has a fourth coming out.

Other fun facts:

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite animal: Cheetah

Favorite sports: Soccer and football

You can learn more about Vinjamuri in this interview conducted by PCTV and the Examiner News.

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