Get to know Pleasantville: Village Board Trustee Nicole Asquith

Nicole Asquith is approaching the end of her first three-year term as a trustee on the Pleasantville Village Board. She plans to run for re-election in March.

She admitted that there have been frustrating and satisfying moments on the board. Asquith described being a trustee as “like putting on a different set of eyes and ears in a way. You listen to people not just from your own perspective, but to try and understand their perspective and where they’re coming from and what their concerns are.”

Asquith said she considers among her accomplishments improving communication in the village, including the creation of a government Facebook page and the Pleasantville Posts, the village’s newsletter.


Asquith was born in Switzerland, and immigrated to the United States at the age of seven. She earned a bachelors degree from Swarthmore College. She spent her summers in France, and also received her masters degree there, at Université de Picardie.  She received a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University.

Nicole, off the clock

Besides being a trustee, having a job and being a wife and mother of two, Asquith also has personal projects. She produces a podcast called In the Weeds, based on how culture shapes our relationship to the natural world. She also likes to visit Rockefeller State Park.

More fun facts about Nicole:

  • Things that make her laugh: Her husband
  • Favorite animal: The most recent animal that she has seen
  • Favorite Sport: Soccer
  • Favorite place: The Black Cow
  • Favorite color: Blue
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