Articles by Alexandra Bellusci

Pleasantville Recycles Holds Meetings on Plastic Bags

The group Pleasantville Recycles is holding public Q&A sessions about future restrictions on plastic bags in the village. One session took place on Monday, and another one is scheduled for Dec. 3, 7-8:30 p.m. at…

Pleasantville This Week in Pictures

View this post on Instagram Thanks to our new limited-edition #BurnsBox, you can now wear your heart on your sleeve—or bag, hat, or lapel—where you put your new #JBFC pin is up to you! Order…

Arc Stages Planning 2019 SummerStage

Arc Stages has already begun planning for 2019 SummerStage, an acting program for children. Kids will be split up into four groups depending on their age and meet Monday through Fridays from 9 a.m. -4…