Films on Purpose Screens “One Vote” at Pace University

As the United States midterm elections creep around the corner, organization “Films on Purpose”, hosts event with the playing of One Vote directed by Christine Woodhouse. The event took place on Tuesday, October 9thin the…

Costume Swap Helps Pleasantville Go Green for Halloween

Ghoulish decorations and spooktacular costumes filled the gazebo in Memorial Plaza on Oct. 6, 13 and 16. Local residents were asked to bring gently used Halloween decorations and costumes for PleasantvilleRecycles’ annual Halloween Costume Swap….

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“Climate Smart” status will take longer than expected

Pleasantville will not meet a goal to become certified as a Climate Smart Community by December. According to Andrew Welch, community coordinator for the Pleasantville Climate Smart initiative, the new goal is to “get Pleasantville…