Village Board of Pleasantville Creates Facebook Page

The new Facebook page launched by Nicole Asquith

The Village Board of Pleasantville has created a Facebook page called Village of Pleasantville, New York in order to increase communication with residents.

Nicole Asquith, one member of the Board of Trustees, created the Facebook page at the end of August. She has posted several different updates and emergency information for residents. Some of the more common posts are about Village Board meetings, roadwork, emergencies, and events in Pleasantville.

Asquith believes that having this information on a Facebook page benefits residents because they can receive notifications more often.

“Our goal is to do a better job communicating with the village. In the past, residents would get their information through newspapers, by word of mouth to a certain degree, and there’s been an awareness that there is a lack of communication,” said Asquith.

Asquith believes that the page will allow Pleasantville residents to be more active in the community.

“This creates more opportunities for more two-way communication. It can also allow our community to be more democratic so that everyone can have a voice,” said Asquith.

The Facebook page has more than 450 followers so far. Followers have asked questions and commented on the posts, and shared them with others.

One of the more popular pages that commonly forwards posts is Moms of Pleasantville, which has over 3,000 followers.


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