Arc Stages Produces Thrilling Play

Local theater company Arc Stages wrapped up its production of “Private Eyes” last week.

A play inside of another play, many false directors, and a therapist to explain it all made this show a whirlwind of fun. Directed by Stephanie Kovacs Cohen, who has 25 years of experience, said she felt strongly about the production. “If we are passionate about a production,” said Cohen, “the audience will be passionate as well.”

By the first rehearsal, Cohen had most of the set and props ready for the actors, which eased the transition from rehearsal to production. The cast also came prepared with ideas and the willingness to adapt which Cohen said “is the key to any play.”

Even with a small audience turnout, the cast pushed the boundaries of an otherwise small theater. Stacey Bone-Gleason, who played Corey in the production, said she loves the feel of a local stage. “It’s amazing to have an audience you’re familiar with,” she said. “You build a community through your theater.”

To view upcoming productions of Arc Stages, visit

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