Friends of the Mount Pleasant Public Library Hosts Annual Used Book Sale

Used Book Sale at the Mount Pleasant Public Library

Teenagers crowded the corners of the Mount Pleasant Public Library last weekend, listening to Zen music while sticking their noises into some of the many used books on sale.

The Friends of the Mount Pleasant Public Library, a non-profit organization created to help raise money for programs and facilities at the library, has hosted this book sale annually for the past 15 years and has raised over $10,000 per year.

All proceeds go to the library. In the past, the library used the funding to hand out free passes to local museums to its members.

The organization prides itself on the quality of donations it receives, and urges donors to follow its strict policy on what can be accepted.

FMPPL has been having trouble getting volunteers to get involved with the book sale.

“People’s lives are really busy, and we’re competing with a lot of other organizations for volunteer hours. I’ve sent out over 800 postcards asking for help, not a single response,” said Therese de Chaves, membership director, treasurer, and book sale co-chair of FMPPL.

FMPPL has adult volunteers but also welcomes college students who need hours for community service, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and others willing to donate their time.

In the past, the organization has received help from Pace students who helped them set up fundraising events and has even helped them create their website in 2015, through a class called “Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations.”

“This project helps students gain social skills and learn how to be professional with real companies,” said Pauline Mosley, the professor who teaches the class.

Pace students have also volunteered with FMPPL during the annual “Make a Difference Day” each fall.

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